Jan 30, 2008

Writers Strike

Just a follow-up note from Seth MacFarlane to sum it all up.

The writers strike is going to help me kick television.

WGA Strike

I wanted to watch the Office tonight, its one of those things I look forward to at the end of a long Tuesday. However, tonight in my neck of the woods, there was a storm. With my neck of the woods being so deep in the woods, my satellite TV proved useless.

"The Internet" immediately sprang to mind. I knew there had to be some way to watch just one episode on the internet - legally of course - for free. NBC.com has Season 4 episodes for streaming. Sweet. Right?

Aside from the countless banner ads and pop up advertising you would expect from the internet, there are 15 second commercials every 10 minutes or so in the episode, and 25 second click banners peppered in there for good measure. And the creators (aka the writers) aren't getting shit for it. Meanwhile the corporations pay out the ass in money and favors for the advertising rights. Where the fuck does all that money go? Why shouldn't the people who thought of it get a chunk of the chitlins?

I just wanted to be able to enjoy some simple escapism, without being railroaded. But don't download illegally, its wrong.

Jan 26, 2008

Tea Pot Agnostic


Hello. I am the Tea Pot Agnostic, and this is my blog. I know what you are thinking: What the hell is a Tea Pot Agnostic? It's a borrowed phrase, that I am borrowing again. Richard Dawkins used it in his TED speech in 2002, but it originated from an analogy by Bertrand Russell which centers on the philosopher's views on the existence of God. If I were to claim that there were a tiny tea pot orbiting mars, that was so small that it couldn't be seen, but I could prove with an ancient book that had been translated and edited thousands of times, the burden of proof would still be on me to prove that it existed, not on the skeptics. That isn't true however with religion. A tea pot agnostic is an atheist in the sense that he doesn't believe God exists, but can't prove that he doesn't. Just like I can't prove that there isn't a tea pot orbiting mars, I can't prove there isn't a god. I give the possibility of their existence equal merit.

That pretty much sums me up, I am a militant atheist who works for a Christian organization.

So what the hell is this blog going to be about? Mostly politics for the next few months, but in general, Me. My life and views, particularly the political and religious atrocities committed daily by the U. S. Government and Major Corporations and their effect on our lives.

Here's a taste of what you're in for:

There are a few major corporations who control the entire media, movies, television, music, newspapers the whole 9 yards. Sony, AOL Time Warner, GE, Disney, Viacom, and News Corp control 90% of all U. S. media. They have entire buildings full of Lobbyists in Washington, and they tell you what to think, buy, and know. On that note, Denis Kucinich was banned from an NBC debate in Nevada. There was some dispute about a contract, and a court decision about the validity of that claim, but that isn't irrelevant. What is important is that NBC is owned by GE, which owns GE Healthcare, an $18 billion dollar company, and a rather large Nuclear Power investment. They get to pick the people who run for President, where's the fucking freedom in that.

I also LOVE the internet.


The US is an Endemic surveillance society, right there with China, Russia and Great Britain.

Bill Maher is on, I wish I could figure out how to watch it without a TV. I'm with the writers, fuck the corporate media and all that jazz. If they were really smart they'd just shoot webisodes or something with the writers and all, avoid the TV all together. Bill Maher, if you are out there, holla, we'll work this out.