Feb 28, 2008

"Ad" Rock: Yael Naim

Rolling Stone magazine recently suggested in a review of Yael Naim's "New Soul" that "ad rock" should have its own musical genre. I tend to agree, and in honor of this new genre, I would like to present my Top 5 "ad rock" tunes for the past 12 months.

1. Pete Droge's "Whichever Way The Wind Blows" (Toyota Sequoia Ad)

2. Yael Naim's "New Soul" (MacBook Air Ad)

3. Feist's "1234" (iPod Nano Ad)

4. The Weepies' "Stars" (Old Navy)

5. Wilco's "Either Way" (VW Bug Ad)

Honorable Mention:
Man Man's "10lb Moustache" (Nike Women's National Soccer Team Ads)

Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros' "Johnny Appleseed" (not Really an "ad" but they played it in ads for the show John From Cincinnati and the opening credits)

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